Players can choose to play cats or mice, the number of small cats and the number of individual mice. In the game, competition for key cheese is fierce. The game also regulates 1v3 asymmetry and 3v3 battle fair two exciting confrontation modes.
Game Android" border="0" data-original-height="720" data-original-width="1280" height="360" src="" title="猫咪别追我 2.0 -
Game Android" width="640" />
Game Android" border="0" data-original-height="720" data-original-width="1280" height="360" src="" title="猫咪别追我 2.0 -
Game Android" width="640" />
猫咪别追我 2.0
Google Drive
Pemain sanggup menentukan untuk bermain kucing atau tikus, jumlah tikus kecil dan jumlah kucing individu. Dalam permainan, persaingan untuk keju kunci ialah sengit. Permainan ini juga mengatur 1v3 asimetri dan 3v3 pertempuran adil dua mode konfrontasi yang menarik.
Sorry if anyone feels I am at a loss ... this is just trying to share it ... at the same time looking for ... the end ... I still don't want to understand ... very stupid
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